Plant Care
Tous nos Pod Packs et toutes nos plantes ont besoin de nutriments.
Each initial purchase of a Rejuvenate comes with 1 container of powdered nutrients (200g). This container will last you for roughly 6 months of growing. Before you run out of nutrients, you can simply restock by ordering it directly from our website here; (
Les nutriments doivent être ajoutés (avec de l'eau) dans les réservoirs d'eau supérieur et inférieur au début et tout au long de chaque cycle de croissance. Après le remplissage initial, les nutriments doivent être ajoutés avec de l'eau dans les deux réservoirs toutes les 2 à 3 semaines lorsque les réservoirs d'eau sont bas ou presque vides. Le réservoir supérieur se videra automatiquement dans le réservoir inférieur pour prolonger l'intervalle entre les remplissages. Assurez-vous que le réservoir supérieur est vide avant d'ajouter de l'eau et des nutriments, afin de ne pas faire déborder le réservoir supérieur.
There are initial fill instructions (that are specific to the Pod Pack you are growing) on the instruction sheet included inside each Plantaform Pod Pack. Please refer to the diagram below to see an example of where the initial fill instructions are on your pod paper instruction sheet. The Plantaform App has a section called 'Water.' When you are refilling the water that will tell you how much water and nutrients to add, once you indicate how much water is remaining in the Bottom Tank by reading the water level on the fill line indicators in the Bottom Tank.
Included with your Rejuvenate and first nutrient container, you will find a measuring stick scooper to use with the nutrients. The refill instructions refer to the scoop sizes on that specific measuring stick. Please keep that nutrient scooper to continue using it for subsequent nutrient containers. If you lose, break, or throw out your scooper, you can order another from our website along with your next nutrient restock. If you are using your Rejuvenate offline, then you can find the water and nutrient refill instructions on our website here.
Pour de meilleurs résultats, utilisez de l'eau filtrée par osmose inverse à température ambiante avec les nutriments fournis et mélangez les nutriments à l'eau avant de l'ajouter dans le réservoir inférieur.

The Rejuvenate garden has one of the longest-lasting water tanks of any indoor garden currently on the market. Part of the reason for this is because the Rejuvenate uses fogponics technology, which is the most water-effecient irrigation method in the world. The other reason for the long-lasting time between refills, is because a lot of engineering has gone into maximizing the amount of water that the Rejuvenate Garden can hold, given its compact size.
C'est pourquoi il est important de ne pas trop remplir les réservoirs d'eau du Rejuvenate, car cela peut nuire aux performances et réduire la quantité de brouillard produite par le Rejuvenate.
We strongly recommend using a measuring cup to measure the exact volume of water you are adding to the Rejuvenate, especially for the top tank, to avoid overfilling.
The main bottom water tank has 3 spots with etched water level fill lines that you can use to measure the amount of water currently in your Rejuvenate. You can use these lines to fill/refill your Rejuvenate to exactly 7L. It is important to note that the Bottom Tank fill lines are assuming that your Rejuvenate is sitting on a flat surface. If your Rejuvenate is sitting on a slight angle then we strongly recommend filling the bottom water tank slightly less than 7L, so that all 3 of the fill line locations are at or under the 7L mark. Please refer to the final diagram below to see what volume of water each of the fill line marks indicate.

Tout d'abord, il est important de noter que le réservoir d'eau supérieur du Rejuvenate peut contenir un maximum de 2 litres d'eau et que le réservoir d'eau inférieur peut contenir un maximum de 7 litres d'eau.
If you are wondering how you will know when to refill your Rejuvenate, the Plantaform App has a section called 'L'eau' (3 water droplets icon) on the home page for your Rejuvenate Garden. The 'L'eau' section will automatically display the general current water level in your device, as well as estimate the time until it is recommended to refill your Rejuvenate water tanks with water and nutrients. You will receive a notification through the App when your Rejuvenate is ready to be refilled and another notification when your Rejuvenate is low water and needs to be refilled urgently. You can follow the refill process using the automatic refill amount calculator in the 'L'eau' section in the App. When using your Rejuvenate offline, you will have to physically check the water level periodically and refill the tanks when there is only 1-3L of water remaining in the Bottom Tank.
Il est important de savoir quelle quantité d'eau reste dans le réservoir inférieur de votre Rejuvenate lorsque vous le remplissez, afin de déterminer la quantité d'eau et de nutriments à ajouter pour le remplir à nouveau jusqu'à sa capacité maximale de 7 litres.
The main bottom water tank has 3 spots with etched water level fill lines that you can use to measure the amount of water currently in your Rejuvenate. You can use these lines to fill/refill your Rejuvenate to exactly 7L. It is important to note that the Bottom Tank fill lines are assuming that your Rejuvenate is sitting on a flat surface. If your Rejuvenate is sitting on a slight angle then we strongly recommend filling the bottom water tank slightly less than 7L, so that all 3 of the fill line locations are at or under the 7L mark. Please refer to the diagram below to see what volume of water each of the fill line marks indicate.
Finally, it is important to note that your Top Water Tank will drain automatically into the Bottom Water Tank when it is needed. It should either be full or empty and you should check this before you add 2L of water to it with a refill, to avoid overfilling the Top Tank.

Conseils de culture et instructions : These lettuces, while being classic components of a summer salad, are started in the early spring and harvested before the heat of mid-summer, making them a cool weather crop. When growing them in your Rejuvenate, it’s best to keep them in a cooler spot of your living spaces if possible, away from direct sunlight. This will ensure the fastest growth of your fresh home-grown salads.
Avantages pour la santé : Excellent source of fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, Folate, Iron, potassium, and a wide range of antioxidants which have been linked with helping to reduce inflammation, retain eyesight, prevent cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of cancer, reduce chronic arthritis, improve immune system health and more.
Type de récolte : Single Harvest
Harvest Time: 40-45 Days
Placement dans Rejuvenate : Butterhead & Red Frilled Lettuces on Top Row(s), Mustards on Bottom Row(s)
Conseils de culture et instructions : These herbs can handle heat, but apart from the basils, they tend to like milder room-temperature conditions, especially when they are germinating. Keeping them away from the windows in the summer and in a temperate spot in the winter will help these herbs thrive in their earlier growth stages, meaning less time until you have all your fresh herb classics. For the basils, once there are at least 4 pairs of leaves you can clip the top stems, just above the fourth pair of leaves with sterilized clippers, which will ensure your herbs grow dense and bushy for continual harvesting in the months to come.
Health Benefits: Excellent source of fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, Folate, Iron, potassium, essential oils, and a range of antioxidants which have been linked with helping to reduce inflammation, prevent cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of cancer, reduce chronic arthritis, delay the effects of osteoporosis, improve immune system health and more.
Type de récolte : Continual Harvests
Première récolte : 35-50 Days
Récolte finale : 90 Days
Placement dans Rejuvenate : Basils on Bottom & Middle Rows, Oregano on Top Row.
Conseils de culture et instructions : Flowers are notoriously picky with the conditions they prefer and that cause them to flower. Ensure that you do not add too much nutrients, especially when the plants are germinating/very young. Also ensuring that the Rejuvenate is in a location that can maintain room temperature will ensure that they grow to bloom as quickly as possible. Cutting the flowers once the flowering stems are long and not cutting all of the flowers from a single stem will maximize the amount of flowers produced. For more detailed instructions, check out the Growing Guide.
Avantages pour la santé : Excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, Folate, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, and a range of antioxidants which have been linked with helping to reduce inflammation, prevent cardiovascular disease, regulate your urinary and reproductive systems, reduce chronic arthritis, delay the effects of osteoporosis, improve immune system health and more. Most of these plants are used in herbal medicinal practices as well.
Type de récolte : Peak-Bloom Harvest
Première récolte : 40-50 Days
Récolte finale : 90 Days
Placement dans Rejuvenate : Calendula & Marigold on Bottom Row(s), Violas on Top Row(s).
Bientôt disponible !
Bientôt disponible !
Pruning & Harvesting
L'application Plantaform vous indiquera quand vos plantes seront prêtes à être récoltées. Incluse dans la couverture de votre Pod Pack, elle indique également le temps restant jusqu'à la récolte. Si vous remarquez que les plantes dépassent du dispositif, il est temps de les récolter ou de les couper. Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous au guide de culture du Pod Pack que vous cultivez.
La meilleure façon de récolter vos plantes dépend du type de plantes ou de Pod Packs que vous cultivez. Nous suggérons généralement que le Fresh Salad Mix Pod Pack soit récolté en une seule fois, c'est-à-dire que vous attendiez qu'ils aient atteint leur taille maximale et que vous récoltiez les 15 Pods sur une période d'une à deux semaines. Si vous remarquez que certaines feuilles poussent trop près des lumières entre 35 et 40 jours, vous pouvez les couper pour obtenir une salade ou deux avant la période de récolte finale. Lorsque vous récoltez quelques gousses à la fois, vous pouvez remplacer les gousses récoltées par les Plantaform Pod Plugs inclus dans votre boîte Rejuvenate d'origine.
Si vous utilisez l'application Plantaform, elle vous indiquera quand vos plantes sont prêtes à être récoltées dans la section 'Progrès' de l'application. Lorsque vous êtes prêt à récolter, un bouton "Guide de récolte" vous permet d'accéder aux instructions détaillées du processus de récolte sur notre site Web. Si vous utilisez votre Rejuvenate hors ligne, le contrôle manuel de la fin d'un cycle de croissance se trouve dans le manuel de l'utilisateur Rejuvenate qui accompagne votre Rejuvenate Garden.
En général, vous devrez déclencher le processus de récolte, vider votre Rejuvenate, couper vos produits frais dans le Rejuvenate, retirer les gousses du Rejuvenate, ouvrir la chambre des racines, retirer les racines et les débris sur les parties internes du Rejuvenate, et préparer votre Rejuvenate pour le processus de nettoyage. Veillez à conserver les couvercles des gousses, car ils sont destinés à être réutilisés ! Si vous cassez, perdez ou jetez vos couvercles, vous pouvez en commander d'autres dans notre boutique.
To prune your herbs and flowers, please follow the detailed instructions found in the Growing Guide for the Pod Pack that you are growing for more information.
In our Herb Essential Pod Pack, for the basils, we recommend to wait until there are at least 4 pairs of leaves on the main stem, then to use sterilized scissors or clippers to clip off the stem, just above the 2nd set of leaves and to only clip from a plant every 2-3 weeks, giving them time to recover from the last clipping. For the cilantro and parsley, wait until your plants are about 20cm (8") tall, then you can clip the mature, outer stems down at the base of the plant, leaving the newer stems/leaves in the center untouched. If your Rejuvenate is outproducing the amount of herbs you require, we suggest either freezing them in a sealed bag or drying them for dry herbs. Please refer to the Growing Guide for the Pod Pack that you are growing for more information.
Questions sur les plantes
Water Source & Your Rejuvenate: Si vous utilisez un système de puits, si vous vivez dans une ville où l'eau est dure et/ou si vous utilisez un adoucisseur d'eau pour obtenir l'eau nécessaire à votre Rejuvenate, il se peut que vous rencontriez des problèmes de performance. Si vous utilisez de l'eau de ville, vérifiez la dureté de l'eau de votre municipalité. Si l'eau du robinet de votre région est dure, envisagez d'utiliser un filtre à osmose inverse pour éliminer les ions avant d'utiliser l'eau dans votre Rejuvenate. Si vous disposez d'un puits ou d'un adoucisseur d'eau, nous vous recommandons vivement d'utiliser de l'eau distillée ou un filtre à osmose inverse pour éliminer ces ions de votre source d'eau avant d'utiliser l'eau dans votre Rejuvenate. Le tableau au bas de cette section vous aidera à résumer la qualité de la source d'eau que vous utilisez pour votre jardin Rejuvenate.
Water Source & Quality: L'eau que vous mettez dans votre Rejuvenate est importante. Elle est importante en raison des ions qu'elle contient. Les ions ont une charge électromagnétique. Cette propriété fait partie de la façon dont la quantité de nutriments dans les jardins d'intérieur est mesurée.
Water Hardness: La dureté de l'eau décrit la quantité d'ions calcium et magnésium dans l'eau, qui sont toujours présents et/ou abondants dans l'eau du robinet. La quantité de ces ions dans l'eau décrit la "dureté" de l'eau. Une eau contenant des quantités élevées d'ions de calcium et de magnésium est dite "dure", tandis qu'une eau contenant de faibles quantités de ces ions est dite "douce". Lorsque l'eau dure s'évapore, ces ions se minéralisent, laissant derrière eux ce "calcaire" blanc que vous trouverez probablement sur vos robinets et éviers s'ils n'ont pas été nettoyés depuis quelques mois. Ces ions de calcium et de magnésium supplémentaires dans l'eau dure peuvent rendre difficile le contrôle du pH dans votre appareil, ce qui est vital pour fournir les bonnes conditions à vos plantes. L'accumulation de ces minéraux est également importante à éliminer périodiquement, car ils peuvent entraîner un mauvais fonctionnement des brumisateurs de Rejuvenate s'ils ne sont pas éliminés par le processus de nettoyage de Rejuvenate.
Water Softeners: Les adoucisseurs d'eau remplacent les ions de calcium et de magnésium de l'eau par des ions de sel tels que le chlorure de potassium ou le chlorure de sodium. Le potassium peut perturber l'équilibre des nutriments dans votre système et des niveaux élevés de sodium peuvent être nocifs pour vos plantes.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) & Distilled Water: Les filtres à osmose inverse éliminent les ions indésirables de votre eau sans les remplacer par des ions salés et l'eau distillée a déjà éliminé les ions indésirables, ce qui fait de ces types d'eau les meilleurs pour vos plantes qui poussent dans votre système Rejuvenate.

L'application Plantaform vous informera du moment où vous devez vérifier vos plantes pour voir si les dômes d'humidité/de germination sont prêts à être enlevés. Il y a une fenêtre de temps pendant laquelle vos gousses germeront, donc la première notification sera le début de la fenêtre et la seconde notification sera pour vous rappeler que les dômes doivent être enlevés.
Alternatively, you can find the germination times for the pod packs on the website here. Once the majority of the pods have seedlings that are sprouting from them, you can remove the germination domes. If some pods have sprouted very early, try to wait to remove the humidity domes until all of the seedlings have sprouted or until the seedlings are starting to press against the top of the humidity dome. If one or more pods have not sprouted after the germination stage has ended, remove the domes from the unsprouted pods. There is still a good chance that they will still sprout and that they are just very slow to sprout. The removed humidity domes can be rinsed by hand or put on the top rack dans le lave-vaisselle sur low heat and then stored for the next growth cycle. Be sure to keep the humidity domes as they are reusable. If you break, lose or throw out your humidity domes, you can buy more on the website here.
Remarque supplémentaire : n'enlevez pas les couvercles plats des dosettes lorsque vous retirez les dômes d'humidité, car ils empêchent les algues de se développer sur les dosettes et les aident à conserver l'humidité.
Le Rejuvenate est conçu pour pouvoir cultiver une grande variété de plantes et peut être adapté au type de plante qui pousse. De nombreuses plantes différentes ont des conditions de croissance optimales différentes et, par conséquent, certaines combinaisons de plantes ne pousseront pas de manière optimale en même temps.
C'est la raison pour laquelle nous proposons des packs de dosettes contenant un excellent éventail de 5 variétés de plantes différentes qui poussent bien ensemble. Veuillez ne pas mélanger les dosettes de différents packs dans le même cycle de croissance, car nous ne pouvons pas garantir le succès de votre cycle de croissance.
Nous mettrons bientôt en place d'autres packs de dosettes ainsi qu'une fonction "Grow Your Own", qui vous permettra de sélectionner les conditions de culture que vous souhaitez pour les plantes que vous voulez cultiver.
Each Plantaform Pod Pack comes with a carboard Paper Instruction Sheet that will be the first thing that you see when you first open your Pod Pack. This instruction sheet is very important! It has a front and a back side with information. The positions of the pod types are explained on the back side of this sheet! Please read this instruction sheet and refer to the diagram to know which pod is which before you remove them from the box, soak them in water, and place them in your Rejuvenate.
If you have thrown away or lost your sheet, you can refer to the diagrams below for each pod pack.
If you have removed the pods from the box before reading the sheet and can no longer tell which plant is which, then you can place them randomly, then wait until the germination stage has completed, at which point you can tell which plant type is in each pod and you can rearrange their positions before the roots get too big and tangled inside of the root chamber. You have 2-3 weeks to rearrange the pods before it is too late to easily do this.

Pour garantir une croissance optimale de toutes vos plantes, nous recommandons certaines positions de culture dans Rejuvenate, en fonction du Pod Pack que vous utilisez.
Fresh Salad Mix: Butterhead & Red Frilled Lettuces on Top Row(s), Mustards on Bottom Row(s).
Herb Essentials: Basils on Bottom & Middle Rows, Oregano on Top Row.
Edible Flower Mix: Calendula & Marigold on Bottom Row(s), Violas on Top Row(s).
Cocktail Mix: Bientôt disponible !
Superfood Salad Mix: Bientôt disponible !
The Rejuvenate nutrients have been formulated to automatically control the pH of your Rejuvenate system without needing any adjustment.
Please add room temperature water to your Rejuvenate when filling and refilling your Rejuvenate. Water temperature should not be an issue in your Rejuvenate and you do not have to worry about controlling or adjusting it.
There are times in which your Rejuvenate will have to be drained. Some examples of when your Rejuvenate will have to be drained includes: when you are ending your growth cycle and harvesting your plants, if you have overfilled your Rejuvenate's Bottom Tank (7L maxium), if you would like to move your Rejuvenate's physical location in your living space, and when you are running the cleaning cycle after each growth cycle.
Si votre réservoir supérieur est plein lorsque vous commencez le processus de récolte final, le réservoir supérieur se videra automatiquement, vous n'aurez donc pas à vous soucier de le vider manuellement. Vous devez attendre que le réservoir supérieur soit complètement vidé avant de fermer la vanne de vidange inférieure.
To drain the Bottom Tank of the Rejuvenate, there is a panel located near the bottom of your Rejuvenate Garden. Inside that panel there is a Drainage Tube with a Flow Valve that you can 1/4 turn to open or close the Drainage Valve. Once you open that valve, the water will likely immidiately start flowing out, so be sure you have your Drainage Tube over a bucket or a sink before you open the Valve. Please refer to the diagrams at the bottom of this section to see where the Bottom Panel and Drainage Tube are located on your Rejuvenate Garden. To save you time, we recommend opening the valve to drain your Rejuvenate, then to leave the tube draining into a sink or bucket, and to come back to it around 10 minutes later to see if it has completely drained. You do not have to stand there and watch it drain unless letting go of the tube means that it might spill somewhere that you don't want it to.

If you open the Drainage Valve located near the bottom of your Rejuvenate and the water does not immidiately start flowing out, there are only 2 potential reason for why this would happen (other than if there is no water in the Bottom Tank).
The first and most likely reason the water is not draining is because you are holding the Flow Valve above the height of the Bottom Water Tank. Water will only freely flow from a higher location to a lower location due to gravity. If you are trying to drain your Rejuvenate into a container that is sitting on the same surface or a higher surface than your Rejuvenate Garden, that is likely why it is not draining. If this is the case, simply lower the location that you are draining your Rejuvenate into and it should start to flow.
The second reason why your Rejuvenate is not draining would be due to the roots or other debris in the Bottom Reservoir clogging the drainage tube or outlet. If you open the Drainage Valve below the height of the Rejuvenate base and little or no water is draining, then check the tube itself, the outlet on the inside of the Bottom Reservoir, and where the Drainage Tube meets the Flow Valve to see if there is a blockage. If this is the case, you can use several types of tools including: tweezers, a pipe cleaner, a flexible poking stick like a long wire brush scrubber and/or something like a ZipTie... to try to dislodge the blockage wherever it is. If the blockage is located in the Flow Valve itself, you can pull the valve off from the Drainage Tube with a firm tug (holding the tube, so you don't pull the entire tube off of the Rejuvenate completely) and use a tool type listed above to dislodge the blockage before sqeezing the valve back onto the tube.
The Rejuvenate nutrients are a dry, cystaline, powder. Similarly to most other dry powder products, they will absorb lots of moisture from the air over time and they will become wet and clumpy. While slightly clumpy nutrients are still good to use in your Rejuvenate, if they become too wet, some of the highly concentrated nutrients can react together to form insoluble compounds that cannot be absorbed by the plant.
For this reason it is important to make sure that you are storing the nutrients properly. The nutrients already come in a hermitcally selaed jar with 2 small dessicant packs to prevent them from absorbing some of the moisture they will be exposed to every time the jar is opened.
Here are some general rules or advice to maximize the storage life of your nutrients. Always close the lid of the nutrient jar tightly, immediately after use and try to minimize the amount of time that the lid is removed when you are using the nutrients. This will help prevent moisture from getting into the jar in the first place. Store the nutrient in a cool, dry place and keep it away from sources of high heat and direct sunlight. Heat and direct sunlight can both cause your nutrients to degrade and become clumpy as well. This means keeping your nutrient jar away from your stove, oven, your home's winter heating source(s), and away from your windows that receive direct sunlight. If you follow these storage practices, your nutrients will always last much longer than the 6 months in which they supply your plants' with the essential nutrients they need in your Rejuvenate Garden.
Plantaform has rigorously developed and tested an optimal nutrient formula to ensure reliability and compatibility with the foggers in our Rejuvenate Gardens, avoiding damage and ensuring growth. Using our specific nutrient formula is crucial, as alternative nutrients might not match our prescribed ratios, potentially harming the foggers and voiding the warranty. Moreover, our nutrients are cost-effective, averaging less than $3/month for 15 plants.
Nous déconseillons l'utilisation d'autres nutriments sans nous consulter au préalable. Si vous souhaitez expérimenter de nouvelles formules de nutriments, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse pour discuter du développement potentiel et de l'approbation d'options compatibles.
Your Rejuvenate's lights might be dim for several customizable and seed-specific reasons. The Plantaform App allows you to adjust the brightness settings manually or automatically; you can set the lights to dim for two hours or until the next day to facilitate tasks such as pruning, reduce TV glare, or minimize distractions. Refer to the User Manual for detailed instructions on how to activate these features.
Additionally, certain seeds, like the Violas in the Edible Flower Mix Pod Pack, require dimmer lighting conditions for optimal germination, typically for the first 3-5 days after planting. The lights will also automatically dim during the final harvest phase to protect your eyes.
Si ces conditions n'expliquent pas l'assombrissement que vous avez remarqué, ou si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter notre équipe d'assistance à l'adresse pour obtenir de l'aide.
There are multiple potential reasons for why your Rejuvenate is not producing fog. Not seeing any fog does not necessarily mean that there is a significant issue with your Rejuvenate Garden.
Firstly, it is important to note that when starting a pod pack, you should have soaked your pods in water for 5-10 seconds, meaning that the Rejuvenate does not need to produce fog, wasting water and energy, for the first 3-5 days of your growth cycle. Please do not be worried if you do not see fog for the first 3-5 days after starting your pod pack. Additionally, the Rejuvenate goes through 5-10 minute cycles where fog is only produced for a small portion of that 5-10 minute cycle.
If it has been more than 5 days since starting a pod pack, you have watched your Rejuvenate closely for 10 uninterrupted minutes, and your Rejuvenate Garden does not produce any fog in that time, then there is likely some other issue to address.
The next thing to check (and something you should always be aware of), is that the Rejuvenate Bottom Water Tank can hold up to 8L, but the maximum fill amount of the bottom reservoir is 7L. If you have filled your Rejuvenate past the 7L mark, this is most likely the reason you are seeing little or no fog. This is a very easy fix and you can just drain the amount of water needed from the bottom reservoir until there is 7L of water remaining, by using the bottom drainage tube located in the bottom panel of your Rejuvenate Garden. Please see the first diagram below showing the location of the drainage tube. Please also refer to the second diagram below to see the location and fill line indicator water level amounts in your Rejuvenate's Bottom Water Tank.
If the Bottom water tank has 7L of water or less, and it is after day 5 of your current growth cycle, then there is likely another reason for this issue. The third most likely cause for no fog is because one of the internal components in your Rejuvenate is loose or positioned incorrectly. The internal components of the Rejuvenate Garden are critical for the proper functioning of the Rejuvenate. These internal components are also removable for cleaning and root-removal purposes. Please refer to our website Harvesting Guide page for more information on how to properly open up and close the root chamber and internal components, found here (Coming Soon).
If you have checked and ruled out all of these potential causes and you are still not seeing any fog being produced, than there might be a more serious issue with your Rejuvenate. In this case, please contact our support team via email at: and we will address and resolve this issue with you accordingly!